Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Congestive heart failure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Congestive inwardness failure - Research Paper ExampleDiseases and agents that weaken life muscle contraction, especially ventricular muscle, for example, nerve center attacks, infections of heart muscle (myocarditis), toxins, chronic alcohol abuse and some chemotherapeutic agents (systolic dysfunction).They vary amongst many patients depending on the type (whether it is systolic or diastolic) and the organs affected. Fatigue is the earliest symptom of CHF due to inadequacy of the heart to perform its function.The diagnosis of CHF entails having noteworthy knowledge about the medical history of the patient c befully winning a proper history concerning the present condition of the patient carefully conducting a physical mental test and conducting the necessary laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. This will assist the health care expert identify signs that are consistent with CHF.Treatment should start immediately CHF is diagnosed in a patient. For one, lifestyle modificatio n should be apply so that no further changeable is retained in the body. This is done through regulation of atomic number 11 intake in food, since sodium increases fluid in the body. Restriction of alcohol intake and monitoring fluid intake also manages the
Monday, April 29, 2019
World Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
World Art - Essay ExampleThe accumulation of artistic work was lost at once and the accumulation of intellectual heritage was dispersed, ultimately resulting in a discontinuation of the practice of continent art. In the following middle ages, the intellectual stagnancy gripped the field of art in Europe. The church had interpreted an impregnable position exercising great control over society and politics. Hence in the expiration from around the fifth to the fourteenth century CE and no uncommon development was observed in the field of art.This intellectual stagnancy of the middle ages was challenged by the renaissance that began in the fourteenth century in Italy and especially in Florence. Humanism, an important aspect of the early renaissance was introduced. It advocated a philosophy and attitude that accent the dignity and worth of an individual. This resulted in larger amount of personal freedom in terms of thinking, mien and the expression of ideas. The grips of church loos ened from the society and a class of free thinkers and artist emerged which made capacious contributions in the field of arts, sciences and philosophy. Humanism developed principally in the fields of literature and art and upstart medieval writers standardized Dante, Giovanni Boccaccio, and Francesco Petrarch contributed to the rediscovery and preservation of classical works.Florence became the center of humanism when the Cosimo de Medici, statesman and patron of the arts from Florence, formal the Humanist Academy, a school for the learning devoted to the philosophy of humanism. This academy had the support of leading thinker like Marsilio Ficino and trained many artists one of them was the young Michelangelo. The institution sought to revive Platonism and had a remarkable influence on the literature, painting, and sculpting of the times. With this, humanism became popular in Florence and capital of Italy at the end of fourteenth century. The humanists would champaign the Latin literature of the classical period. By the mid of fifteenth century, humanism had become an identifiable curricula in the schools of Florence. The humanist rediscovery included the use of classical grammar, rhetoric, philosophy of morals, poetry and history. They relied upon the original texts of classical period sort of than reading interpretations and translations by other writers, and especially avoided any writing having and influence of church or apparitional texts, which at times created deviations from the original work and therefore they were interested in classical Latin and non in Medieval Latin. With the introduction of classical literature, other fields of arts like sculpting were excessively reexamined by the artists. They explored the classical art and replicated the classical statues. Sometimes it was replicated in all its aspects with little or no modifications at all. Nude sculptures, which were an important section of classical art was thus introduced. This ar t of creating a nude was piecemeal imitated, mastered and later challenged by artists like Michelangelo when he created David, which not only displayed exquisite proportions but also added emotional content in the sculptures which was missing in the classical art. In principality, the humanists believed that the ancient world comprising of Greece, Rome and the surrounding Mediterranean regions reached the zenith in terms of artistic and intellectual development and that the produces of that era
Sunday, April 28, 2019
The religious factors that led to the clash between Native Americans Essay
The religious factors that led to the clash between Native the Statesns and archaeozoic Euro-American settlers - Essay ExampleHowever, not everything in the Native American/White relations was entirely gruesome. conquest and conflicts with white muckle turned Native Americans into a nation with remarkable adaptation potential. The development and miscellanea touched all the areas including culture and religion. As a result, while European colonialism was pushing Native American populations westwards, the latter were developing the degree of flexibility, adaptability and cohesion that had been unknown to native populations before 1607.The difference between the marches line of America and the frontier line of other countries is the following the other countries knew their boundaries and they knew which countries were beyond these boundaries. The North America frontier underlined the unknown land beyond it. In accordance with Calloway fertile valleys, meeting friendly people bedec ked in turquoise, and hearing wondrous accounts of the towns to be found in the north (p. 133). As far as we can see, the diversity of the North frontier is evident. The nature of the diversity can be found in the first settlers necessity to deal with natural challenges and remain self-sufficient.Indian cultures are really unique and peculiar in America. Some Indian tribes have survived, although other tribes have been vanished and completely destroyed. Many of them continued their tralatitious cultures, while others fully lost their cultures and communities. The history of American Indians in their relationship with Americans is full of brutality and engrossed destruction and discrimination. (Erchack 1992)Some scientists mention that the history of American Indians is something similar to labyrinth of different opinions and ideas. Indians resides from the cold regions of the savvy in northern Alaska to the Yahgan. Many Americans consider Indian Americans as noble savages. It be came an
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Reflections of a Pencil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Reflections of a Pencil - Essay Example article of belief is likened to a pencil. funny though, the thought of me being stick thin with a rubber motion...but seriously, like a pencil, everything I do leaves a markan impression that can be suppose and emulated by my students. It is important for me to build their trust in me as establish a relationship with them to a greater extent than vindicatory being their teacher. Engaging them in conversations come out of the closetside the academic subject matter we share during programme time and focusing on their own interests would make them feel that I am truly enkindle in them as persons and non just in the school performance they can give out as students. One example is attending their extra-curricular events.Reaching out to their parents would definitely be beneficial not only to them but also to me. I would get a peep into their home lives and a to a greater extent holistic view of my students, so I could more appropriately custo mize my teaching to them. Maintaining good and unremitting communication with parents gives me a lifeline of support in understanding my students better.Being a good utilization model not only to the students I teach but to everyone else is a tall order for a fallible creature like me, but that is what is called for as a teacher. Especially to my students, I am to incarnate what is true and good, a wellspring of values virtues wherefrom the youth can drink to sustain them in the construct a good character.Thinking about such a noble task, makes me realize just how further I am from that ideal. Like everyone else, I am still a work in distribute and very prone to commit mistakes. I lose my cool, I tend to favor some students all over the others, and I dont do a thorough lesson plan. These mistakes I could correct and rectify just like the pencil as I have become when my trusty rubber head comes in to erase my failures to provide me with a clean slate that can help me start a-f resh.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Case study week 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 3 - Case Study ExampleAuditing requires enough time and gum olibanum fixing time within the companys busy schedule may delay the process. finally in a high competition industry, determining inherent risk is important since there are higher complex valuation issues and thus more experienced staffing is needed. This will affect the client in the sense that the cost of increased staffing digs into the companys profit margins which are minimal in such an industry.The year 1998 was faced with allegation from the delloitte auditors on misappropriation of the audit results due to the wrong facts provided by the vice president of Just for Feet. Below are the risk factors that are likely to have affected the company.The affected parties here were Just for Feet, Logo Athletics, Reebok and Deloitte Being in Thomas Shines define working related ethics did not allow him to engage in such a deceitful conversion with Don Allen Ruttenberg. The wise decision here was to ask Ruttenberg to o rganize a conference where the executives of the marketer companies would decide and thus he would have avoided the
Thursday, April 25, 2019
What Makes a Good Father Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
What Makes a Good Father - Essay ExampleAccording to Marcus (2014), what makes all the differences in the life of a child is having a good begetter - one who stands for support, strength, and discipline. In as oftentimes as he loves his children, he does not approve of wrongdoings. He disciplines with tough love, not with the fist solely with the power in his words. He does not reward for things expected of the childlike house chores. beat is a key factor in male parenthood, and a good father knows the value of spending it with his children, he plays with them, takes them come forward on games, moves and attends their flatts. He also takes time to listen to them. The venerable adage do as I say, not as I do is out of place, a good father leads by example. He does not expect his children not to smoke if he does, does not say one thing and does the other. He knows he is the protector of the family, and this he is willing to do at all cost. He will dumbfound up his life at risk to protect his family from harm, instilling the importance of sacrifice in the children. Time and seasons do change, and a good father is aware of that and does not insist on doing things in an old way that will not work, but he is open-minded. The greatest quality of a good father is that his love is unconditional. Though he does not approve of his childrens wrongdoings, he still loves them. Other qualities acknowledge allowing the kids to make mistakes as a way of learning, teaches them not to take things for granted but to be grateful, he is aware that his kids are not exactly like him, but have differences and desires of their own. A good father also challenges his kids and teaches the lessons of life.Children tend to follow what they see adults do, this way, their character is shaped and behavior molded. My love for football started when I used to see my dad watching football, a passion that I end up perfecting to even playing for different teams.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
CBRN Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear weapons Essay - 2
CBRN Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear weapons - Essay pillowcasession of how terrorists can use weapons of mass destruction against the United States and how the government of the United States can mitigate the flagellum in the event that terrorists were able to acquire the material and actually make an attack.Terrorists can use biologic weapons to beget mass destruction in the United States. Biological weapons include those computer viruses and diseases that can reach the targeted places to cause large-scale deaths (Kortepeter & Parker, 1999). Some of the common viruses and diseases that can be used as biological weapons include smallpox, anthrax, Nipah virus, work up blast, and Chimera virus. All of these viruses can be transmitted to the United States easily because they require just air, food, or water to reach the destination. These long time, a deadly disease causing threats for the people all over the world, is Ebola haemorrhagic fever. The main point regarding this virus is that it causes fever that leads to instant death of the affected psyche within days Peters, 1999). This virus can be transmitted to the people living near the affected individual by means of air and physical contact because of which it is listed in the category A of the most hazardous biological weapons.Although this virus is currently affecting the region of Africa, terrorists can spread this virus to the United States by making some(prenominal) affected people to enter the borders of the United States though Caribbean and Mexican routes. Illegal border crossing has been an consequence for the government of the United States for a long time. Drug smugglers and human traffickers use the Caribbean and Mexican routes to smuggle drugs and public into the United States.To reduce the threat of Ebola, the government of the United States needs to ensure that no Ebola affected person can enter the country through air and sea routes. The government needs to put into exerc ising some effective viral detection mechanism at the airports and seaports to ensure that no affected person enters the
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
ING Direct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
ING Direct - Essay ExampleIn this case, the keep companys affable media nib should focus on ensuring that customers answers were satisfactorily addressed man issues raised by clients wereexpeditiously single-minded in order to promote trust and ensure customer loyalty. This should be the case for ING Direct Canada, which is seeking to enlarge its online presence as a response to the recent economic crisis with the campaign being the piece launched by the company following another successful online promotion. Although there be various alternatives that the company could spot to implement, the optionof a corporate blog posethe greatest benefits from which the company could maximize its online presence while ensuring that it encouraged many users to save money with the bank.Corporate blogs are increasingly becoming an innovative tool through which the company dispatches its clients. More importantly, the fact that the companys CEO could take part in conversation with customers makes them feel appreciated as an important part of the company, which consequently improves their confidence and loyalty towards the company. For ING Direct, change magnitude customer loyalty will ensure that customers increase their savings with the online bank since they are sure that the company offers a safe banking environment as assured by the companys CEO.The main design of the company is to increase its online presence. In effect, increasedonline presence will translate to customer savings that could only(prenominal) be achieved by following the best social media tool that reaches people with incomes that they can save. There are about 364 million readers of blogs worldwide with this number growing annually by 68%, which implies that thecompany could reach more clients in the future once it adopts this alternative.More significantly, 77% of active web users are restrict to read the content posted on blogs, which underlines the
Monday, April 22, 2019
Assignment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Assignment - fountain Study Examplealready established is growing as the rate of competition goes high with the mannikin of Mini-mills taking over and setting a price war in the industry. There is also an append of foreign companies taking the market shares.The third force is the bargaining proponent that suppliers have. The suppliers are decreasing payable to bankruptcy thus the number of suppliers is low. Few suppliers makes the services that the industry offers to be the same and not extraordinary in any way (Steel Industry Profile, 2013).The fourth force is the buyers bargaining power and the number of customers is high. When the number of customers is high then the supply price becomes sensitive. The costs that customers have to go through with(predicate) to switch to a differential product are relatively low.The fifth force is a threat to the substitutes where the prices of switching to substitutes is high and thus the companies must adjust their prices so that they are able to compete with plastics, composites, and aluminium which are
Global Supply Chain Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Global Supply Chain Management - Assignment ExampleIt is therefore, of grandness that all parties, that are inclusive in the planning mountain chain, play their role to the best of their ability in ensuring that the consumer says safe. This ensures that all products that run across give chains bypass safety and security measures instituted by the members of the ply chain (Nuttall 2013, p. 221). However, like it is in most cases, it is never done to the expectations of society. As such, the final exam product that reaches the final consumers is, more often than not, in a deplorable state in terms of safety with run across to human consumption. This is best exemplified by the case of horse centre of attention being passed off as healthy shopping mall ready for human consumption. Such cases call for the restructuring of the pre-existing programs for safety assurance to be revised. The dire personality of the situation makes it an ivy issue to deal with. As such, this paper seeks to explicate on the problems charactering the current supply chain system, to provide solutions to these problems as well as investigate on how supermarkets should prepare on the sectionalization of the supply chains. It is undisputed that the horsemeat scandal has had adverse effects on the economy of the United Kingdom. unmatched of these effects is the ruining of the reputations of otherwise stand-up companies and corporations. Most of these firms fork up been on record for having worked hard in order to realize the levels of success that characterizes their business models. Given the much effort invested by such companies, it tycoon not be order for all of this to occur due to arranges such as the inadequacy of the supply chain. The economic impact of this horse meat scandal has also resulted following a reduction in sales. It is probable that after such a scandal in a food commodity industry, the levels of sales are reduced. In certain cases, the level of drop can be cata strophic. Therefore, meat supply chain has its associated challenges worth analyzing and doing so would help outline past mistakes for correction purposes. This will fashion an enabling surroundings for the complete overhaul of the current policies governing this supply system. A number of well-kn protest brands dealing with meat products have been adversely affected by this horse eat scandal. This is done with the hope that the consumer patterns of shopping have not been altered to the detriment of this industry. It is highly probable that consumers have already decided on get less of processed meat, less of meals with ready meat and a significant number are contemplating the woof of indulging vegetarian products. It can be argued that the scandal has provided vital lessons to the government, retailers and most of the entire food standard role (De Haan, Groot, Loo and Ypenburg 2003, p. 82). The chain of responsibility is however long, and each party must be ready to behave lia bility accruing from the scandal. It is not surprising that the overall majority of customers cite the government as to blame. It is imperative to tonus that food fraud has been in existence since time immemorial. Human kind has been adulterated foodstuffs to suit their own selfish ambitions to the detriment of the health of the unsuspecting public. Laws instituted to curb against this vice have not deterred these crimes. A cause of the continuing food frauds might be attributed to the ongoing economic slump. The rise of the process of food commodities is
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Economic systems envisioned by Adam Smith in An Inquiry into the Essay
economical systems envisi geniusd by Adam Smith in An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations and Karl Marx in The communist Manifesto - Essay ExampleThe food in the farms is produced for the global village and manufacturers produce for the entire globe. The consumers of the products go along to be the entire world.Adam Smith however, unlike Carl Marx, believes the wealth of the countrys originates from the ability of laborers to work, this being skill and likewise the proportion of the employed to the unemployed. He says, this is what differentiates the wealthy nation and the poor nation. In that, a wealthy nation has less people working but everyone due to the sill of the laborers has abundant and is satisfied. However, in poor nations, the labor is more but unskilled such that, the little that is produced is not enough for the nation (Smith, 1776). Unlike Carl Marx, this perspective draws to prudence the skills of labor and the units thereof that are acc ommodated by the capital. other perspective in the causes of the wealth of nations is division of labor. two Carl Marx and Adam Smith agree that it has led to growth of wealth. However, according to Carl Marx, it has continued to grow the rift among owners of factors of production and its laborers. Division of labor according to Adam Smith has contributed greatly in enhancing wealth. This is because, first, it has led to specialization. in that location are different branches of trade more so in the manufacturing industry. The different branches have given come near to expertise per work space (Smith, 1776). This has led to labors ability to do more than when they arent specialized.Another aspect is that of time. Time is greatly saved in production when division of labor is involved. gibe to Smith, it becomes easier for a worker to perform his work with specialty without wasting time changing and adopting to new skill. Another important cause of wealth through labor division ha s been the technological inventions (Smith, 1776). It is rather true that when one has one focus on work, they are able to come up with easier
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Pol Essay 3 Ma Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pol 3 Ma - Essay ExampleA organized investigation conducted by Gallup aimed at establishing most signifi apprizet political issues in American politics class-conscious dissatisfaction with the government as the major job (Chappell). This dissatisfaction according to Chappell was attributed to Concerns over the new federal health palm system (para. 8). In fact, results from this methodical investigation showed that 24 percent of Republicans believed that health care is the most significant problem affecting Americans today. There is an array of reasons why a huge percentage of Americans have no bother to health care insurance. As postulated by Bardes, Shelley and Schmidt, inability to access healthcare insurance is exacerbated by high healthcare insurance premiums, unemployment, and preexisting medical conditions such as cancer and diabetes (472). Bardes, Shelley and Schmidt also assert that the existing healthcare problems are projected to worsen in future.To combat this problem , a possible solution by the federal official government is formulation of healthcare policies geared towards universal healthcare. In retrospect, politicians have not been in champion of universal healthcare in the past. To illustrate hoe a universal healthcare dodging could work, San Fransisco can be used as a n example. According to Bardes, Shelley and Schmidt, San Francisco initiated a universal healthcare strategy aimed at ensuring both insured and uninsured individuals have access to healthcare (472). In this policy, employers were obligated to give way a monthly fee for each of their employees and the remaining healthcare fees to accommodate the uninsured paid by the State government (Bardes, Shelley and Schmidt 472). In this light, it is important to note that such a policy would ultimately say to the rich paying more taxes. In essence, it also means that some individuals will be hostile to such a policy. To counter this argument, Bardes, Shelley and Schmidt argues that such a policy
Friday, April 19, 2019
Educational Mission Statement Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Educational Mission Statement - Term melodic theme ExampleLeadership aspects among the y prohibitedh that ar a made-up attribute by the education institutions and views dictated down by the current leaders are now criticized by the formative people because of hopelessness and the utilization of the substances (Ministry of National Security. (2010). Problems The institution faces mal victuals and severe closed in(p) head injuries obtained from the happening. In detail, the problems discharge be dispirited down into the consumption, clinical and environmental issues that institution endures in the clinical surrounding. Moderately, institution should be able to stick to to the prescribed information regarding the amounts of medication available during the enteral feeding mode. Clinical and physical conditions that BJ endures after the accident include a coma induced naturally after certain test were conducted in the infirmary by the experts. The faced situations by institution were considerably abnormal according to the caregivers as severe closed head trauma assesses the normal neural processes within the cranium. Finally, the environmental assessments of institution regarding her skills, religion, attitude, food security and nutrition availability from her initial environment was somehow unattended. The fact that the laboratory tests displayed insufficient levels of crucial ancestry and wild sweet pea constituents was crude evidence of imbalanced diets prior institutions accident. Etiology Etiology consists of the contributing aspects that lead to the coma and severe closed head trauma experienced by institution. Some of the linked factors that can explain the situation include Malnutrition of the girl. The low levels of hemoglobin, glucose, Serum albumin and the C - reactive protein in her blood led to relapse of the neurons and nerve cells within institutions brain. Risks of trauma were then increased as insufficient nutrients that cater to the ner ve impulse navigation were not available for the whole process. The situation similarly explains why her brother did not succumb to a trauma situation and institution did. In constructing the well-disposed civilization, definite qualities contained by the public are in requirement of building and acknowledgment for the development into the outlook. non only do drugs perform the wearing out the brains of the adolescence, but in addition aids in injecting the broadening of fatal viruses in the society such as HIV/AIDS. The importance of schools in the livelihoods of the American adolescence has to be an element of the drugs prohibition proposal within the education institutions if the transfer of the drugs is to make any betterment in the livelihoods of the youth. I occasionally desire I had the capability or acquaintance and skill to get rid of drugs completely from the humanity. Regrettably, natural psychological drifts into hope indicate misery in the individual and the purli eu involved. Disclosure of the youth to abuse of drugs at a premature age is fairly saddening. Children as recent as thirteen years are taking a part in the utilizing and trafficking of the substances, in the attain of domestic stresses. These children are more often than not liberated after discipline hours or during the weekends, if they are taking part in any lessons at all, to attain of the drugs and mistreat them. On the parking batches, get centers, residents, at their own houses or when their keepers are not present are the periods and places where the youth carry out the unethical
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Israel's Right to Nuclear Weapons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Israels Right to Nuclear Weapons - study ExampleThe persecution reached a peak in Adolf Hitlers Final Solution, which led to the Holocaust and the slaughter of approximately 6 million Jews from 1939 to 1945 . In Holocaust the persecution and genocide was accomplished in stages. Legislation to remove the Jews from civil society was enacted years before the outbreak of World War II. Where the Third Reich conquered new territory in east Europe and Russia, ghettos were established to contain and marginalize Jewish communities. Specialized units called Einsatzgruppen murdered large numbers of Jews and political opponents in mass shootings and mobile gassing units. In countries occupied by the Nazis, Jews were interned before being deported to terminal camps, often crammed into freight cars and transported hundreds of miles by rail, then killed in gas chambers. These historical events had its impact on the construct of collective insecurity psyche of Jews. And that was the time when J ews decided that (they should) act in such a steering that the Jews who died in the gas chambers would be the last Jews to die without defending themselves. To add to the above build sense of insecurity when Israel was declared as independent state May 14, 1948 in the heart make for of Arab dominated region, none of the Arab Countries liked the situation. Resultantly Egypt, Jordan, Syra, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia invaded but failed to achieve success. In 1949 separate armistice was do with each state in which Jordan occupied the West Bank and Egypt occupied Gaza. Therefore, Israel was made to realize exacting reality of existential intolerance of its neighbours. In 1956 during the Suez crisis Israel made tremendous success against Egypt and its allies, Britain and France not only failed in the operation but
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Read this document and after answer this 3 questions Essay - 2
Read this document and after dissolver this 3 questions - Essay ExampleBesides the teachers focus on the educatee thinking and concluding in the same way as they do, he also reports on the how the very teachers oblige their students to conceptualize facts in a snapshot by hinging their concerns on mere raw facts at the expense of understanding the concepts of what is at stake. This he compares with the notorious activity in the lower levels of study when the children are make to recite dustup before the class this he says jeopardizes the morale of the students who are not sure of the words they are made to read as they want to avoid making mistakes before the class (Perry 76). This he says has made more or less of the children to associate reading books with other negatives and thus deem it as a way of punishment.In conclusion, Perry discusses the challenges the student and the teachers face in their endeavors to excel academically. He explores both implicit and explicit factors that are contributing to this and the palliation that can be employed to curb the contributing factors to the
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Reconstructionââ¬â¢s Failure Essay Example for Free
Reconstructions Failure EssayCongress Reconstruction efforts to ensure twin skillful to freedom failed because the enforcement acts that was giving in Document 2, Prejudice in the south giving asa dulcis Boyers speech and from the book Black Reconstruction in America in document 6, some other reason was the Compromise of 1877. In the exert from the New York times, it states the Ku Klux Klan purpose was to establish a nucleus about which the adherents of the late rebellion might safely rally. The whites thought that it threatened individual freedom because it allowed the government to vindicate the Ku Klux Klan and banned disguises. The kkk wonted to enforce the fourteenth amendment which is to make slaves citizens to the constitution of the U.S. They believed in the innate inferiority of blacks. The Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist groups tried to keep African Americans from making economic process They killed there livestock, attacked the African Americans who owned tea r and forced them to work for previous slaveholders.Many southerners were opposed to African Americans gaining equal right and voting in elections so they formed terrorist groups. They were very prejudice in the south. Benjamin Boyers wrote a speech that conduce tongue to It is common for the advocates of negro suffrage to assume that the color of the negro is the main obstacle to his political feeling meaning its common for people to see black as people who shouldnt have the right to vote. He also said Negros are not equal of white Americans and are not entitled. In the book Black reconstruction in America he said the American Negro was compelled to give up his political power. What he was saying if Negros wonted to work or wonted to increase the income they couldnt handle politics to. Another reason was the Compromise of 1877.After the southerners made great changes affecting the lives of freed African Americans, restricting the right of freed slaves. Hayes got the 20 disputed electoral votes. They were unlimitedly awarded to him after a bitter efficacious and political battle. The south accepts republican, Hayes becomes President and the North agrees to end reconstruction and withdraw troops. They also concord to build a railroad from Texas to the West Coast and also agreed to appoint southerners to the cabinet. Reconstruction failed for some(prenominal) different reasons. Reconstruction was suppose to be the period of rebuilding after the Civil war in which all the confederate states returned to the union. Likemay things everything doesnt always go as planned.
Monday, April 15, 2019
The Chocolate of Tomorrow Essay Example for Free
The java of tomorrow EssayR evenues from the deep brown patience hide to prove rewarding, with 2011 figures from IBISWorld predicting annualized issue of around 2% all over the beside five historic period, after dampened expectations during the dark days of 2007-09. only if behind the encouraging headlines, many companies argon battling to stay on top of a rapidly shifting commercializeplace. Taste is divergent, as fast- increase economies and appoint consumers demand more than than(prenominal) from their products. For industry stalwarts, the requirement to offer local anaesthetic, highly tailored and increasely diverse products represents a serious threat to market sh argon. Spotting the markets that ar likely to grow quickly give marque the difference between the winners and losers of tomorrows hot hot drinking chocolate landscape. According to official giving medication figures, current angry spots include India (annual growth rate 15%), china (9%), R ussia (6%) and Mexico (3. 8%). They all exhibit a number of key factors that help them stand forth from the pack, including a recent population, rapid capital inflows and shop consolidation. In this report, well murder a tour of the factors fictile the chocolate market of tomorrow from geography and demographics, to consumer of necessity and preferences, and intimately-nigh other market drivers.And well attempt to offer a glimpse into the future by defining what ability be the chocolate bar of 2030. John A Morris European drift of Consumer Markets KPMG LLP 2012 KPMG supranational reconciling (KPMG transnational), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG earnings of separate firms are affiliate with KPMG multinational. KPMG world-wide provides no knob serve. All rights reserved. The chocolate of tomorrow State of the market Contents 4 The international picture.What theyre alimentation and why a world tour of consumer taste in the chocolate market The three typ es of consumer shaping the way people buy chocolate across the world Four factors that are more and more de? ning the chocolate market A glimpse of the future and what it might mean for the industry 6 Shoppers preferences 8 Trends to call up Where undermentioned for chocolate? The industry has weathitherd a global recession and is tacit studyking growth. But with some markets saturated, where does its future lie? The global chocolate industry is many things, just now as a bellwether for the wider economy its use is limited.Revenues swallow remained resilient despite a recessive global picture, falling liquid incomes, mercurial good prices and increasing competition. Chocolate is often described as recession-proof. Some economists call it the limn effect when go about an economic crisis, consumers are more go outing to buy less costly prodigality goods, such as cosmetics and chocolate, even as they cut back on other luxuries. Revenues over the sometime(prenominal) few years would seem to back this hypothesis, although year-on-year growth remains relatively sluggish and the spectre of volatile introduce prices continues to cast a shadow over future projections.Although the global market is ease dominated by Western Europe and North the States, acclivitous markets clearly represent the future. The BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and chinaware) accounted for 55% of global send packingdy store retail growth in 2011. Other appear economies with youthful populations and an acquisitive center set are likely to develop a taste for chocolate and, as their disposable incomes grow, they depart represent historic target markets.With the traditional markets of Western Europe and North America seemingly saturated, manufacturers are creation obligate to pull even more innovative tricks out of the bag to attract consumers, from enigmatic ? avor combinations to bolder wellness claims, administer control and in the flesh(predicate)ized debar. Like a large sharing tablet, the market is breaking up. Taste is diverging as the BRICs and empowered Western consumers demand more from their products. Where will the market take us next? 10 The bar of 2030 12 Contacts globular chocolate retail market value 120 coulomb US$ billion 80 Source Euromonitor 60 40 20 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 3 2012 KPMG planetary Cooperative (KPMG transnational), a Swiss entity.Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved. The chocolate of tomorrow The global picture Western Europe is still the largest chocolate market in the world, but slow growth suggests saturation. Health is becoming a major driver in new product launches in 2011, 10% of products were marketed as vegetarian, 7% as costless from additives and 7% as organic. The US eats more chocolate by volume than any country, says the International Cocoa Organization.Co nsumers are demanding value and wild ?avors, such as bacon and wasabi. Health matters but is not merely a major driver. The large Hispanic market is key. The British government is pressurizing manufacturers to tackle obesity, although only 12% of consumers see fat content in chocolate as an important factor. Portion control is imperative, with small bars and big sharing packs introduced to curb overeating.In Mexico, 52% of the population are under 20 a huge market for candy and chocolate. Around 80-90% of chocolate products are aimed at children. This offers opportunity for tie-ins with well-known(a) childrens carrys, but locomote obesity levels may prompt regulation.The world of chocolate Geography is still key to understanding the speci? cs of consumer taste. What are customers across the world demanding? 4 easter is big channel in Brazil, with 100 million east wind eggs eaten every year and this is likely to increase. But childhood obesity presents a curb on growth. W ith more than 35% of children over incubus, child-focused product launches nominate been driven slew by 62%. 2012 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International.KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved. Russia is one of the most promising emerging economies for chocolatiers. The market is worth more than US$8bn and is judge to grow 45% by 2016. As consumers break up the value chain, discoverer manufacturers begin to stake their claim. Widespread lactose intolerance has made for a slow start in mainland China, but chocolate sales have move up 40% since 2009. Lindt claims in its annual report that the market is growing 30% a year. pension products are touristy, with over one-half of all sales bought as gifts. At US$11.4bn, Japan is the largest Asian market. Domestic artisan companies are ? ourishing but foreigners can ? nd it hard to ga in a foothold. Nestles Kit-Kat brand is the exception, openhearted to consumers with 200 whimsical ?avors and special editions. India has always had a sweet tooth, and chocolate is fast becoming its darling treat, ahead of sugar candy, with an annual market growth rate of 15%. Cadburys now owns 70% of the market, introducing innovative products that can survive in the extreme heat. The Middle East/North Africa market is expected to reach US$5. 8bn by 2016, up 61% on today.Almost every part of Africa is growing South Africa is the biggest market, but sugar confectionery is still 22% more popular there than chocolate, says Leatherhead victuals Research. Source Euromonitor world(prenominal) market share by region, 2011 Western Europe 32% North America 20% Asia 17% Latin America 13% Eastern Europe 12% Middle East and Africa 4% Australasia 2% 5 2012 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affilia ted with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved. The chocolate of tomorrow Shoppers preferences.What consumers pauperization The psychology behind chocolate suggests consumers see it as a naughty but nice beat treat. But a closer gestate reveals three distinct types of buyer, each with different behaviors and demands THE CONVENIENCE purchaser Chocolate may be seen as an impulse purchase, but its becoming increasingly day-after-day among consumers. Convenience is a major driver for chocolate lovers, who want to grab a bar from a local store or throw a multi-pack into the trolley during a weekly shop. As whatchamacallit conveys more important to time-poor shoppers, sales of tablet bars are growing (up 37% in the UK give-up the ghost year) as consumers grab and go.Premium chocolate-makers such as Godiva are rethinking their strategies to get a bite of this lucrative market, introducing smaller bar formats. A desire for convenie nce is too increasing the popularity of sharing bags, special(prenominal)ly in Western markets, as consumers buy to share or ? nish eating later. Manufacturers have reacted with packaging innovations, such as the memory wrapper from Mars that allows bars to be twisted, closed and saved. Mars says the innovation empowers the consumer. It also drives brand loyalty. THE VALUE BUYER In many markets, value is a hot topic.In the US, 79% of consumers look for good value when choosing chocolate, although 70% also want a name brand, according to Mintel Oxygen heart even value shoppers are making demands of manufacturers. Value is particularly important in economies where the middle class is still being de? ned and may exist far below Western levels. According to research from ? nancial services provider Rabobank, a 45g chocolate bar accounted for less than 1% of the weekly shopping budget in the US and UK in 2010, but in India the same bar made up 18% of the weekly food allowance which means a snack comes at the disbursement of a full meal.One-size-? ts-all global pricing solutions are dif? cult when the income levels and aspirations of the fast-growing middle class differ so widely. Although disposable income is rising in emerging markets, we could assume that a large proportion of consumers will continue to look for the cheapest option. Value-conscious shoppers favor a new generation of outlets. Discount stores are ? ourishing, which is forcing supermarkets to think more like discounters to attract ? ckle customers, including increasing their private label ranges.Small grocery stores may lack the economies of home plate to compete on price, temporary hookup specialist formats are being crowded out. In emerging markets, one-stop retail locations are becoming popular due to low prices and greater choice. Where theyre buying 15. 7% 1. 5% 45. 3% 10% 27. 5% Non-store Specialist stores Small grocery stores Supermarkets and discount stores Others 6 2012 KPMG Inter national Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International.KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved. Global chocolate retailers market share 2011. Source Euromontior THE LUXURY BUYER The luxury chocolate market continues to plow the mainstream and not just in real economies. The psychology is that even expensive chocolate is an affordable luxury, says Marcia Mogelonsky, Global Food Analyst at researcher Mintel. Chocolate is becoming increasingly premiumized, and brands such as Godiva and Lindt have become almost mass market as consumers develop a taste for everyday glamour.Godiva, which has increase its sales from US$400m to almost US$700m in 10 years and is now owned by Turkeys Yildiz Holdings, plans to become a staple for the health-conscious, sweettoothed consumer. Our revenues have increase in all our markets, in particular in China and Japan, which are the most important markets right now, Godiva CEO Jim Goldman has said. Marketing our product is a balancing act. And its different in every country. We do retain our prestige but we have to be relevant. In Russia, the chocolate market is expected to grow 45% over the next ?ve years, to reach US$11. 6bn, says Euromonitor. Belgian artisan chocolatier Jean-Philippe Darcis has his eye on the country, predicting The market will evolve and people will have more buying power. Lindt is enjoying double-digit sales growth in the Middle East. In China, rich dark chocolate is thriving, with Ferrero Rocher and artisan chocolate maker Senz launching exclusive premium dark brands in the last two years. Unsurprisingly, larger manufacturers are keen to get a bite of this burgeoning sector but, without the personal story required to sell such products, they can struggle.The solution purchase artisan brands and market them as separate entities large producers economies of scale mean this phenomenon ma kes life hard for surviving artisan brands. Mars has Ethel M, Nestle bought Maison Cailler and Hershey owns Dagoba and Scharffen Berger. It may sound counterintuitive, but whats happening in the global ? nancial crisis is a quest by consumers for value, for more affordable products, but also for products that overtake their expectations, says Laurent Freixe, head of Nestles European business. However, large manufacturers with designs on artisan businesses must be careful.Consumers like artisan companies because they are high quality and unique, warns Mary Nanfelt, Food Analyst at IBISWorld. That uniqueness and independence must remain. Luxury sales on the up Whats happening in the ? nancial crisis is a quest by consumers for products that are more affordable but that also overtake their expectations 2001 2005 2008 2011 0 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 Godiva Lindt 3 US$bn sales 7 2012 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of inde pendent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services.All rights reserved. The chocolate of tomorrow Trends to consider Driving growth From sustainability to eventing, four factors that are increasingly important in understanding the global chocolate market and the opportunities they could create both now and in the future SUSTAINABILITY Food origin is an increasingly important driver for consumer purchasing decisions in more developed markets, particularly at high-end retailers. Mary Nanfelt, Analyst at IBISWorld, says Americans in particular are becoming more socially conscious in their choices, buying chocolate from sustainable and organic sources. Globally, use of Fairtrade umber has risen dramatically over the last few years, and smart phone users can even download respectable shopping apps. All the major manufacturers have embraced Fairtrade to some degree. Krafts Cadbury brand has tripled the amount of Fairtrade drinking choco late it uses, and Cadburys Dairy Milk, the UKs best-selling bar, is certi? ed Fairtrade. Hershey announced this year that it would begin to source the cocoa for its Bliss brand through Fairtrade farms, while Mars and Nestle already have best-selling Fairtrade lines. launching As consumers become ever more demanding, innovation is crucial to market share.And personalization is likely to be the next consumer-driven revolution in the industry. Nestle is leading the pack in this area. Maison Cailler allows customers in Switzerland, the worlds largest per capita chocolate market, to create personalized taster packs based on their preferences. Its Spanish brand Diselo con Chocolate recently launched an e-commerce platform where customers can create their own assortments. Gum and candy businesses such as Wrigleys have already introduced personalized packaging (particularly aimed at gifters) and chocolate could soon maintain suit.The next tenacious timber is for consumers to design ch ocolate bars that cater to their unique palate but which manufacturer will take on the production challenge involved? HEALTH Although many consumers view chocolate as an periodical treat and dont obsess over its effect on health, fat is becoming a major issue for manufacturers. So-called fat taxes are threatened in a number of major economies, including the US and the UK, while European countries such as Denmark and Hungary have already introduced surplus taxes on membrane-forming food.In Japan, the government has gone one step further and is taxing companies and local authorities with a h proportion of overweight igh employees or residents. An increased emphasis on healthy lifestyles is an imperative for governments facing rising healthcare costs, particularly in developed economies that are battling childhood obesity. This has impacted childfocused product launches, which drop down 62% last year in the US and Brazil, both countries that are struggling to keep their weight down (more than 35% of Brazilian children under six are overweight or obese).Globally, 21% of parents report switching products to give their children healthier snacks, potentially reducing brand recognition among the next generation. To combat this, the industry should debate the potential health bene? ts and enable chocolate to be among the next generation of functional foods, energy the antioxidant effects of dark chocolate or investigating the energyboosting properties of bars with oats, nuts or super fruits. Latvian brand Laci is using super berry sea buckthorn in its products.Smaller bars (Mars has crest its bars at 250 calories in the UK and Australia, and will follow suit in the US in 2013) can encourage awareness of portion sizes. Fairtrade takes off 35,000 30,000 Global production in tonnes 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 Source Fairtrade Foundation 5,000 08 20 03 20 04 20 20 05 06 20 07 20 20 09 10 20 8 2012 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved.QA Bert Alfonso CFO, Hershey Personalization is likely to be the next revolution in chocolate the logical step is for consumers to design bars that cater to their unique palate EVENTING In many countries, chocolate is an intrinsic component of religious events, special occasions and festivals. The seasonal chocolate market is worth US$4. 9bn in the US, an increase of 6. 4% since 2010, says Mintel. Easter is the biggest chocolate event globally and, although the shelves can appear full of competing products, the market is in fact far from saturated.Easter products launched worldwide rose 45% during 2011. Canada has proved particularly rich for manufacturers, with seasonal activity increasing 89% in 2011. In gift-hungry Western Europe, growth in seasonal product launches is particularly notable in the UK and France, where seasonal activity increased 53% and 41% respectively. In more mature markets like the US and Australia, there is evidence to suggest consumers are choosing to buy a smaller number of high-margin, luxury items rather than focusing on value products.In Australia, where Easter chocolate consumption is expected to grow 3% in 2012 to over US$178m, specialty retailers stocking luxury Easter eggs from the likes of Lindt have been reporting robust growth. China has seen a seasonal boom. The expanding middle class is spending more on premium chocolate, which makes the perfect gift. More than half the chocolate bought in China is purchased as a gift, with Christmas and the Lunar upstart Year peak buying times. According to Shaun Rein, author of The End of cut-price China Economic and Cultural Trends that will Disrupt the World, costly confectionery ? lls a gap in traditional present-buying.Chocolate hits a good market position. There just arent that many other prestige gift items in the $5 0-$200 range. Q How has Hershey maintained growth in a time of ? nancial disbelief? A We have focused on productivity gains, which have been reinvested in the products consumers are looking for, and increased marketing activity. Gross margins have increased over the last few years as a result of several actions, including raising prices in the US market to offset rising commodity costs. We conceptualise were in the middle of a secular bull market for commodities, driven by the growth of emerging economies.What steps have you been taking to mitigate rising raw material costs? forth from pricing, we use hedging programs in everything but dairy. Certain costs are predictable but when it comes to commodities, we follow the fundamental as well as technical market indicators for materials such as cocoa and sugar. Longer-term, theres an opportunity to improve cocoa yield in regions such as West Africa. The methods being used at the moment arent that sophisticated, which is why we are involved in farming teach to enhance cocoa-growing productivity.Overall, cocoa farming is still pro? table at current market prices and some markets are actually increasing production. How much of your future revenue would you like to see coming from abroad? We have targeted US$1bn revenue from our overseas operations by 2015 weve actually been pacing ahead of that. Mexico, Brazil, India and China are the most important markets for us, and we now manufacture in all of them. We have been manufacturing in China for several years, rather than just exporting there, because US chocolate simply isnt formulated for the local taste pro?le. How do you see the luxury market developing in future? I believe that smaller artisan companies will ? nd it harder to stay in the market in the prospicient term. Luxury is growing again as a segment and competition is intensifying. It could eventually account for 20% of the market over time. What type of chocolate will we be eating in 2030? A stripe of the products currently available in the US market still have longevity. There will be more personalized products as the market seeks to deliver on unique taste pro? les. Also, consumers are looking for more permissive, better-for-you alternatives.The digital aspect of personalization is still at an early stage and we will see further investment from manufacturers. The mass market wont go away, but it will evolve. 9 2012 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved. The chocolate of tomorrow The bar of 2030 Looking to the future What mixture of chocolate will we be eating in 2030?The rapid change of the past few years gives us some vital clues to the industrys direction Innovative packaging To stand out on the shelves and reduce costs, packaging could undergo a revolution. Manufacturers will dev ise new ways to stop up chocolate doesnt melt in the extreme heat of many emerging markets, as well as introducing new bar sizes. Health bene? ts Chocolate could ride the trend for nutraceuticals. Nestle has already announced plans to invest US$510m in pioneering a new industry between food and pharma. medicative herbs could be used as an ingredient, or even aspirin.Additional betterfor-you ingredients such as super-fruits, nuts and oats may become more common. Additive-free chocolate will become the norm in developed economies. Dark chocolate could increase in popularity as consumers become more aware of its health bene? ts. Attracting youth Marketing to the youthful populations of emerging markets (especially India and Latin America) will be vital. Use of popular culture, including bands and TV shows, in marketing campaigns may increase, as will viral marketing and social media interaction, as young people broaden their channels. piece of music children prefer sweeter chocolate, concerned parents will look for chocolate with added health value. 0 03 2 Luxury vs commodity A growing middle class will continue to propel the luxury market, and will increasingly drive it into mainstream retailers. But this will pose a challenge although middle class consumers in emerging markets may develop expensive tastes, their disposable income will still be relatively limited. Manufacturers may want to choose between margins and volume, positioning themselves carefully as either a luxury or commodity player.The outsourcing solution. The most successful chocolate companies could be purely marketing and RD operations after outsourcing their production to industrial suppliers. The public wont even have heard of the worlds largest chocolate producers, who will work behind the scenes to supply well-known brands. 10 2012 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG Internatio nal. KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved. The personal touch Bespoke bars may be commonplace.One artisan chocolate maker says he envisages smaller shops offering people the chance to create their own bar. As consumer palates grow more sophisticated, whimsical ? avors will become the norm, with chocolate-lovers choosing their own combinations. Consumers may also be able to design their own packaging. New distribution channels Chocolate will be available from a wider variety of outlets, from coffee shops to health food stores, to cater for convenience buyers. Supermarkets and discount stores will continue to dominate sales, particularly among value customers.Premium chocolate could become available in mainstream stores as luxury buyers proliferate. Brands might seek to move up the value chain by creating their own ? agship stores, something Hershey and Mars (through its MMs brand) have already do successfully. ar b 0 Fresh ? avors In developed markets , ? avors may become increasingly unusual as palates grow more sophisticated and brands seek a marketing boost. Combinations of sweet and savoury (such as bacon and chocolate) will increase, and salt, olive oil, herbs and ? owers will all be used as ? avorings.Middle class regularize Manufacturers are likely to offer more chocolate from ethical sources to meet aspirational buyers needs. Middle class consumers will also be keen on premium chocolate for gifting purposes, and seasonal launches, which increased 6% during 2011, will continue to grow. A new recipe Milk chocolate will have a l ower cocoa content due to rising prices, and manufacturers will be forced to use cocoa more sparingly. Demand for cocoa could spiral out of control one Latin American manufacturer predicts that China and India increasing average per capita consumption by just 1kg could make most manufacturers current models unsustainable.In that scenario, arti? cal cocoa could become a viable alternative. Price vs s ize Think small Rising obesity levels and government regulation will lead to manufacturers limiting portion sizes. Sharing bags of smaller bars will become more popular as people seek to limit the amount eaten in one sitting. fair(a) per capita consumption (currently 8kg in Europe) may drop, although overall consumption is likely to rise as the global middle class mushrooms. In emerging markets, chocolate takes a hefty bite from the household budget.As input price volatility continues, manufacturers may have to keep value in mind or run a risk losing consumers. Price per gram is rising fast in developed markets, but research shows consumers feel cheated if bars get smaller but price is static. Mainstream manufacturers could be forced to choose between containing cost, at the expense of size, and moving further up the value chain. 11 2012 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with K PMG International.KPMG International provides no client services. All rights reserved. active KPMG KPMG is a global network of professional ? rms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We have 145,000 outstanding professionals working unneurotic to deliver value in 152 countries worldwide. KPMG is organized by industry sectors across our genus Phallus ? rms. The Consumer Markets practice, which encompasses the Food, Drink and Consumer Goods and sell sectors, comprises an international network of professionals with deep industry experience.This industry-focused network enables KPMG element ?rm professionals to provide consistent services and feeling leadership to our clients globally, while maintaining a strong knowledge of local issues and markets. Its clear the chocolate market is shifting rapidly, and presents a range of challenges and opportunities.To discuss any of the issues raised in this report, please get in touch. Contacts Willy Kruh Global Chair, Consumer Market s and Food, Drink and Consumer Goods +1 416 777 8710 emailprotected ca Nick Debnam ASPAC Regional Head of Consumer Markets and Food, Drink and Consumer Goods KPMG in Hong Kong +852 2978 8283 nick. emailprotectedcom Stephane Gard Head of Consumer Markets KPMG in Switzerland +41 21 345 0335 emailprotected com John A Morris EMA Region Head of Consumer Markets KPMG in the UK +44 20 7311 8522 john. emailprotected co. uk Patrick W Dolan Americas Region and US Head of Consumer Markets KPMG in the US +1 312 665 2311 emailprotected com Publication name The Chocolate of Tomorrow Published by Haymarket Network Ltd Publication no 120788 Publication date June 2012 Pre-press by Haymarket Pre-press The education contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity.Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or tha t it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without sequester professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation. 2012 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member ? rms of the KPMG network of independent ? rms are af? liated with KPMG International.KPMG International provides no client services. No member ? rm has any authority to obligate or link up KPMG International or any other member ? rm vis-a-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member ? rm. All rights reserved. The KPMG name, logo and cutting through complexity are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. picture taking and illustration Creativ Studio Heinemann/Westend61/Corbis Peter Dazeley/Getty Images AP/Press Association Images Shutterstock.
College Essay Essay Example for Free
College Essay Essaywhy is college important to me? College is important to me for many creators. One universe, my future goals will be unattainable with off it. Also, I would be setting a good prototype for my kids once they reach the age to further their breeding. A nonher reason being, I never imagined I would finally make it to college. There are many more reasons as to why, but these are just a few reasons why college is important to me. I believe e realone should deal for their dreams. By setting goals, you have a plan and steps to detect in order to carry out whatever dream you want.The world today runs on how conquestful a person is as hearty as how much money an individual has. I have always cherished to be a criminal psychologist. No matter what, I am liberation to need a doctorate degree. But, what if nation cannot afford that or do not want to complete that much schooling? If you do not have some amount of extend secondary schooling, you are not going to be as successful as someone who does have that education. Occupations that typically require post secondary education for gateway have higher wages. (BLS) America runs on money.Everything costs a certain amount. Therefore having a post secondary education is what will get you far in manners. It will help you gain the success you strive for. With a higher education, you can also live a more comfortable life without having to bewilder about financial problems, because you have a higher education and therefore more noesis about a profession. I am constantly assay to do my best so that when I have kids they discern what it entails to lead, not only a successful life, but also a comfortable, worry free lifestyle. My parents never went to college.The highest level both my parents had was a high school diploma. I never had an example of someone who went to college or got that kind of education. I was never one of those children who always knew where they were going to college becaus e they were going to follow in their parents footsteps. Due to my parents lack of post secondary education, as well as no education on how to handle finances, my parents always had bill collectors calling. We were in extreme debt and my parents never knew what they could afford. Instead they would just fall out money like it was growing on trees.I do not want any of this for my children. If I want to be able to spend money like there is no limit, then I know I need an education that can support the financial needs for my family and me. If that means get a doctorate degree and still furthering my education after that, then that is what I will do. I dont want my children to have to see me getting calls from bill collectors. It can be very scarring. College will always be recommended for that. It will always be something in the forefront of their minds. College was never something that I ever thought I would accomplish.Due to my parents not going to college, I never thought it was p ass judgment of me or it was even that important. Once I got into high school, everyone would talk about what kind of profession they wanted to be in and what college they wanted to go to. Everyone would worry about their grades, sports, and the electives they were a part of. They were all maladjusted about what it would look like to college admissions counselors. I was never like that, until I moved out of my moms house. I was placed in a foster home during my junior stratum in high school.It started out okay. I had two sisters and everyone was nice. But after a while, I just wanted out. My senior year had came and I started applying to the colleges that were farthest away. I wanted to be no where near where I was from. I did not want anyone to come visit me. So, Ohio State became my dream. It was cold, always snowing, so naturally, no one would want to go there. It never happened because of other events that ended up occurring in my life. However, if I had never been placed in a foster home, college would have never been a thought in my mind.In the end, I went to cosmetology school and I am now taking online classes majoring in criminal justice. College is one of the most important things someone can do in life. Today, not many professions are attainable without a college degree or being certified in some kind of industry. Children need to be shown from an early age that college is always going to be an expectation for them so they can live a successful life. I am striving to do what I love to do. I am going for my dream, just like what Steve jobs said Youve got to watch over what you loveYour pee is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only wayto be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you havent found it yet, keep looking. Dont settle. As with all matters of the heart, youll know when you find it. (Isaacson, 2011) My grandfather always told me that if I love wh at I do, I will always be good at it. I truly believe that Works Cited Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2012. Education and prepare Outlook for Occupations. http//www. bls. gov/emp/ep_edtrain_outlook. pdf. Isaacson, Walter. 2011. Steve Jobs. New York Simon Schuster.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers Essay Example for Free
inebriant Abuse Among Teenagers EssayIts very interesting that I find myself writing about something that non wholly is commonsense, simply what is more, something that every one knows about in general but may not in particular. inebriant use among teenagers is a serious problem and is responsible for death and injury in locomote accidents, physical and emotional disability, deterioration of academic performances, aggressive bearing that causes a number of other sociological problems in families and among friends. It is withal the essential cause of criminal behavior and a leading cause of down(p) marriages. As we know its a broad topic therefore Ill look at the subroutine that intoxicant plays in the society and its impact on teenage addiction. MATTER OF CONCERN (Causes and effects) The age when new-fangled people are taking their first drink is becoming lower each year. Many studies level that preteens are experimenting with intoxicant and many are already heavy drinkers (Cahalan 1997). It may be difficult for parents and teachers to rely that a seventh grade student mass have an alcohol problem, but a instruct of student potable practices shows that 5% of seventh-grade boys and 4.4% of seventh-grade girls are seriously ab utilize alcohol (Royce 1996). Thats why we see the consequences in terms of antisocial behavior, school failure, attention deficit, learning disabilities and road accidents among the teenagers. THE MAIN CAUSE ?.. MEDIA. Despite the problems caused to juvenile and old by alcohol, society sends mixed signals to its youth. Media presents alcohol deglutition with peers as not only grateful but also to insure friendship and as a romantic beverage. Movies present a practical picture of alcohol abuse.A report by scientific analysis corporation examined drinking practices on television and found that out of 225 programs 701 alcoholic drinking acts were recorded which were against the voluntary order ( blue jean Lennane,1 995) of the liquor industry. The code states that a) Any actor shown drinking must be over the age sixty. a) Any drinking shown should be natural, sensible and responsible. a) Ads should not suggest that drinking alcohol contributes toward social, sexual or supporting success or as being a pre-requisite of relaxation. a) Ads should not challenge or dare people to consume alcohol.We suffer see the ads any night and judge rather how many dont breach the voluntary code. AVAIBILITY AND ACCEPTABILITY A leading cause is that alcoholic drinks can be easily obtained and these are socially more delightful than other drugs. Parents, teenagers and educators often fail to realize the potential for problems that alcohol presents to the immature psyche and body(Kay Healey, 1997). At the m when body and emotions are maturing, patronize or excessive use of alcohol can cause irrapareable damage. MISCONCEPTION imbibing alcohol is only viewed as an adult behavior in the society.Alcoholic beverage s are advertised and marketed as being associated with sexuality and romance, but, infact alcohol is a depressant which decreases overall sexual performance and dulls pleasurable feelings. (Kay Healey,1997) FAMILY FACTORS enate attitude and behavior regarding alcohol use play important enjoyment in how their children view its use. usher exists that a family history of antisocial and poor parenting increases the risk of having children who use alcohol and other drugs. The home is the primary source of alcohol for the young adolescent.ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT Teenagers report that they drink for enjoyment, to forget problems or to clip stress and anxiety in their lives. Teenagers, however are at increased risk of becoming stimulate while drinking less than adults because of their limited experience with alcohol and smaller body size. Depressed or those teenagers who have been physically or sexually abused may use alcohol in an exertion to cope with their psychological distress DRUN K DRIVING Inexperienced driving combined with inexperienced drinking is a deadly combination .A report from National Centre For Health Statistics shows that motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among persons Between 15-23 years of age. Although they may reserve the right to drive, but, of curriculum no right to put the others in danger while accidents. OTHER EFFECTS Underage drinking has countless effects and therefore, its impossible to take all of them into account. Research shows that of those who began drinking at the age of 18,66% afterwards are classified with alcohol dependence and 7. 8% with alcohol abuse. If a person waits until the age of 21 before taking their first drink, these risks decreases by 60%.(Grant 103) Alcohol use can affect teenagers health, family relationships and can also place other members of the society in danger. It has a tendency to lower the productivity and the woodland of work being done and can cause problems in both ones scho ol and career. Economic cost are also an issue when it comes to underage drinking. IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM Identifying the teenager alcohol abuser is difficult but not impossible. Specific behavior and characteristics to watch for to determine if alcohol abuse is occurring include the following a) frequent absenteeism. b) decline in academic performance.c) lack of interest in extracurricular activities d) problems with peers e) self destructive behavior f) lack of energy g) lack of concern about personal wellbeing. h) obvious signs of intoxication CONCLUSION Alcohol abuse among teenagers and even younger children is a rapidly growing social problem. Alcohol is glamorized in movies and television. Beer commercials using sports figures try to convince teenagers. As a society we send mixed signals to our youth about alcohol use, on the one hand we talk about it, joke about it, and treat it as not only acceptable but also desirable.On the other hand we recognize the problems caused by a lcohol abuse. Death and injuries in traffic accidents, loss of productivity, child abuse, broken homes and other serious societal problems tie in to alcohol. REMEDY In my suggestion, an intensive education program supported by the community with qualified persons and also supported by the government in terms of financial support can positively stir the attitudes and cause significant change in knowledge about alcohol. Schools can play an important role to initiate education and preventive efforts because they reach more students than any other place.It also involves complete freight with extensive planning.REFERENCES Grant 1996,adolescent drug abuse, vol 76, pgg 84,85. Cahalan 1997, underage use and abuse of alcohol, pg 87 Royce 1996, alcohol,the national hangover, pg 44 Jean Lennane 1995, alcohol, pg 56 Alcohol, the facts, 1997, Australian government publishing service,pg148 Key Healey, 1997,Alcohol, The facts, pg 176 ADDITIONAL READINGS Gall T. L. , 1996 , Statistics on alcohol use,gale look into inc. Alcoholism, 1998,vol 64, Neil kessel and Henry Walton.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Difference Between Management Skills and Entrepreneurship Essay Example for Free
Difference Between Management Skills and Entrepreneurship studyWhat do you think is the difference between management skills and entrepreneurship?. How do they contribute to the economic success of a pipeline? Management skills is about making an existing business work effectively and efficiently, organizing and coordinating the activities accord to certain policies and achieving clearly defined objectives (i. e. vision, mission). Usually, the foundation of the business has been laid and established.It involves planning, controlling, leading and directing and the managers are ordinarily focused on managing and growing the business Entrepreneurship is someone who transforms innovation into a business process peculiarly for market which never exists, often associated with uncertainties. An entrepreneur will look for changes, respond to it and seize it as an opportunity. The adjoining step is to assemble a team, locate resources, raise the needed capital and start the new bus iness idea.An entrepreneur is flexible in adapting to the rapid changing to the market conditions and ideas which are important factors in growth strategies for a companys growth. The economy has become more competitive and more demanding, thus the ram of having the best management skills and entrepreneurship skills are becoming more important. Management skills will ensure that an established fundamental law is managed effectively and efficiently towards achieving clearly defined objectives.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
The events leading to the Monroe Doctrine Essay Example for Free
The events leading to the Monroe precept EssayAfter Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated and exiled, the experienced monarchies of Europe acted quickly to reassert their old power. They crushed the democratic rebellions and restored dethroned monarchs to their thrones. Rumor had it that they wanted to destroy the new Latin America republics and restore the lands to colonial rule by Spain. Britain did not want this to happen because the monopoly-free ports of the new Latin American republics were profitable so the British minister at that time, George Canning, suggested that the united States and Great Britain spliffly declare the Americas off limits to the European powers. At that time, Russia was expanding its territory from Alaska down the westerly coast of the North American continent and the people in the join States was afraid that the Russians would cut the Americans off from its window to the Pacific Ocean. This, combined with the fact that the Americans were also profit ing from the monopoly free ports of Latin America motivated the united States to make some kind of declaration. There was opposition to a joint declaration with Great Britain because they didnt want to be morally held back from acquiring Spanish lands in the Americas. backside Quincy Adams correctly saw that even if the United States did not join Britain the British would still protect the ports so he advocated a declaration by the United States without the British.President Monroe announced to the world during his regular yearly address to Congress that the era of colonization was over in the Americas and that the European powers were not to interfere in the new Latin American republics. Since Monroe said it, this doctrine was named after him. The Monroe Doctrine could be said to be a self-protection doctrine because the noncolonization part was mainly directed at the Russian who were expanding down the west coast and if they were stopped, the United States would be guaranteed ac cess to the Pacific Ocean. The noninterference part was another way that the United States protected itself. If a European nation took control of any land in the Americas the United States would be in danger of invasions.The Monroe Doctrine was an isolationist document because it prevented theinterference of any European nation in the Americas. In the terms of the Monroe Doctrine, Monroe warned the European powers away from the western hemisphere and in return the United States use interfere with the war between the Greeks and the Turks in Europe. In short, the United States said that if Europe wouldnt interfere with American affairs then the United States wouldnt interfere with European affairs. By rejecting the British hand in partnership, the United States also followed the policy of isolationism because they did not accept European help even though their military was no match for European armed forces.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Imagine you are Marco Essay Example for Free
Imagine you are Marco EssayImagine you are Marco. Write a letter to your wife telling her ab forbidden your journey to the States, where you are staying and your work. Eddie and Beatrice Carbone 441 Saxon Street BROOKLYN NEW YORK U. S. A full family and friends I am missing you all desperately. It has been two months since I have seen you all. The journey was in secure conditions, we experienced a mix of storms and showers. This didnt bother Rodolpho or me as the fishing trips to Africa and Yugoslavia prepared us well. I spent most of my time conversing with another group of Sicilians. We shared our hopes of America.Our main worry was that we would be caught getting off the boat and deported. The travelling was long and boring with loud thunderstorms at night, which made it impossible to sleep. Because of the medium-large amounts of people on the ship it was very cramped. We had to sleep on the floor, which was hard and uncomfortable. The altogether way I stayed sane was t hinking of succeeding at the Ameri lot dream and returning to Sicily as rich as some of the tourists When the ship docked in Brooklyn a very kind and hospitable man named Tony Bereli met us at the pier. He dropped us off at Beatrices house were we are temporarily staying.I was surprised at how nice Beatrices house was after Bereli described it as a slum. Over here in America people live in apartment blocks and estates instead of the shacks were used to back abode. New York is a immense city. At first I was some what taken aback by the citys daily hustle and bustle. Its so different from the town in Sicily where we know everyone. Beatrice looked very pleased to see us and asked after you and the childrens welfare. She introduced us to her niece Catherine who has stayed with them all her life as her parents died when she was very young.They were both very welcoming but Beatrices husband Eddie fronted as though he was a bit uneasy with our presence. Eddie told us about(predicate) w orking on the docks as a longshoreman. He utter we could earn up to forty dollars a week The house is grim with five people in it but I cannot complain otherwise I would be out on the streets. I am pleased to say both Rodolpho and me have found work as longshoremen loading and offloading things from other countries like coffee and tea. Whenever I get paid I provide aim the money home for you and the children.The main things I miss apart from you and the children are the scenery and the warm weather. In New York its cold with wall-to-wall skyscrapers. Rodolpho has taken to the bright lights of New York like a duck to water. He and Catherine seem to have something going on. Last week she took him on a grand tour of the city end up in up in the Paramount Cinema. They arrived back at about midnight, Eddie was furious. He said Catherine had never been out so late. Eddie is too over protective of Catherine he treats her like a cod Its as if he is trying to keep Catherine for himsel f Eddie treats Rodolpho like dirt.He insulted him calling him Danish because of his blonde hair. Eddie whence went on to teach Rodolpho boxing classes in which he gave himself a good excuse to beat him up. wanton incidents like these anger me. I wanted to get up and defend Rodolpho but didnt want to pause Beatrice. I asked Eddie if he could lift a chair from the bottom, he failed to do this. Then I get up the chair over my head and looked him in the eye. This was my way of gaining a physical and mental advantage over Eddie. The look of defeat on Eddies face was a picture How are Maria and Luigi? I am missing them so much.As soon as I get paid I will send money so you can buy Luigi some money for his chest. Tell them I inclination I could be with them but I had no choice about leaving, wed have ravening otherwise. I am working overtime everyday so I can come home to you and the kids soon. Then we will have plenty of food and will never have to worry about starving again. Take c are of yourself and the kids. I will write soon Marco xxxxxx Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Social Networking Essay Example for Free
loving Networking Essay cordial NetworkingA ThesisPresented to the Faculty ofTechnological Institute of the PhilippinesCollege of EngineeringIn overtone FulfillmentOf the Requirements inBachelor of Science Industrial EngineeringByJessica P. TumambingAp upgraded ByMs. FederaAcknowledgementsThe germ would like to express his sincere appreciation to all those that have assisted in the completion of this Thesis.Ms. FederaMs. Federa has been an superior professor. The causality could not have completed the research without her guidance and ongoing support. RespondentsAuthor would like to thank all the wad that took the time to respond to the questionnaire and assisted in gathering the primary data.Friends and FamilyFinally the author would like to thank his friends especially to my very best friend for their great help and for enduring me. Their help has been very motivating. I would also like to thank my family for their support, with special mention to my Mom and Dad, for alwa ys application program my back and providing me with encouraging words DEDICATIONI dedicate this thesis to my p arents who have always been my nigh and reverse nearest neighbors and have been so close to me that I found them whenever I needed. It is their unconditional revel that motivates me to set higher targets. I also dedicate this to my best friend (Jhae Jimenez) who is my nearest surrounder and have provided me a strong love shield that always surrounds me and never lets any sadness enter inside.ABSTRACTsociable Networking Sites are experiencing a rapid growth there seems to be no limit to their size. Many Social Networking Sites boast with millions of members using their networks on regular basis to communicate, share, create, and collaborate with others. Popular examples of these Social Networking Sites are Facebook, LinkedIn and Bebo. Although well-nigh of these sites lack decent business models, they are valued at millions of pounds.Google paid 1.5 gazillion dollar f or YouTube when it wasnt even earning a single penny. The reason successful Social Networking Sites have become so expensive is due to the amount of people that are using it and people are exactly what organizations are after. This promulgate aims to come upon out whether Social Networking Sites have the same value in the setting of recruitment. Academic books extensively discusses online recruitment, however not much is said about recruitment on Social Networking SitesSociocruitment look revealed that professionals are quite optimistic about Sociocruitment. Although users of Social Networking Sites had a disperse opinion on organizations contacting them on these websites not many were negative. The contemporary research further more(prenominal) harvested information from a range of sources to create sagacity of key issues allowing readers to familiarize themselves with the concept. Finally the report flips suggestions on how organizations back end engage in this new media. panel OF CONTENTSApproval Sheet I Acknowledgement II Dedication III Abstract IV Table of Contents - V CHAPTER 1Background of reputation - 1-2 Statement of the Problem 3-4 Signifi erectce of the story 5 Assumption of the study 6-7 Scope and Limitations -BACKGROUND OF STUDYThis thesis searchs Social Networking sites as a medium of expression for intimate identity construction more specifically the research question aimed to explore how gay and lesbian individuals use loving networking websites as a means to construct and explore their sexual identities through self presentation on conventional sociable networking sites (SNS) available and used by everybody versus LGB SNS which are primarily used by Lesbian/Gay and Bisexual individuals and groups. Through the conduction of eight semi- organise interviews with an even number of four males and females and a content analysis of each participants neighborly networking profiles, the research explored how sexual identities wer e presented and play out on these sites by the variation and degree of information that was break by the sample study.Overall the aim was to explore the advantages and disadvantages social networking entails for the gay community through a comparison of both types of SNS, exploring how self presentation and sexual identities are negotiated and managed through the two while determine if these sites were in fact a safe location to play out sexual identities if they are a site of identity restrictions. From research up to this point it has struck me that there is limited research pertain with the disadvantages of social networking and identity experimentation for gays and lesbians.Thus this present study aims to acquire if gay individuals feelthey can perform their sexual identities more comfortably and honest in one ahead of the other or if they feel the need to conceal their sexual identities on certain social network sites which are hearty to all e.g. Facebook and reasons why. Th e basis of this study is to get both sides of the story, addressing the positives but also taking into account the negatives and weight down up which SNS is less restrictive on sexual Page 2 of 39 identity construction. ego presentation will be a dominant theme in drawing research, extending on the real research exploring the differences of presentation between the two sites.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMSocial networking sites like Facebook and MySpace allow you to find and connect with just about anyone, from a coworker in a neighboring cube to the girl who played Emily in your high school production of Our Town thirty years ago. Browsing these sites can make you feel connected to a larger community, but such easy, casual connection in an electronic environment can also have its downside. A False Sense of ConnectionAccording to Cornell Universitys Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the pregnant relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By instruction so much of our time and psychic energy on these less meaningful relationships, our most of import connections, he fears, will weaken. Cyber-bullyingThe immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well as friends. Kids especially are vulnerable to the practice of cyber-bullying in which the perpetrators, anonymously or even posing as people their victims trust, terrorize individuals in front of their peers. The devastation of these online attacks can leave deep mental scars. In some(prenominal) well-publicized cases, victims have even been driven to suicide. The anonymity afforded online can bring out dark impulses that might differently be suppressed. Cyber-bullying has spread widely among youth, with 42% reporting that they have been victims, according to a 2010 CBS News report. fall ProductivityWhile many businesses use social networking sites to find and c ommunicate with clients, the sites can also prove a great distraction to employees who may show more interest in what their friends are circuit card than in their work tasks. Wired.com stained two studies which demonstrated damage to productivity caused by social networking centre Research reported that Facebook shaves 1.5% off office productivity while Morse claimed that British companies lost 2.2 billion a year to the social phenomenon. New technology products have become available that allow social networks to be blocked, but their effectiveness remains spotty. PrivacySocial networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives. Whats more, the things they post remain available indefinitely. While at one moment a photo of friends doing shots at a party may seem harmless, the image may ap pear less attractive in the context of an employer doing a background check. While most sites allow their users to control who sees the things theyve posted, such limitations are often forgotten, can be difficult to control or dont work as well as advertised.SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY1. Informatics Manila Students The main target of the study, for the students to be aware of the impact of social media to them 2. Parents This study will be beneficiary to parents of the students, for them to be aware of the impacts of social media usage. 3. Informatics College Manila The study will also be beneficial to the educational institution for the awareness on the impact of social media usage. 4. Future Researchers They will benefit from the study through the information they could gather.
The King vs The Greatest Essay Example for Free
The King vs The Greatest EssaySports comes down to competition fans and people love comparing one athlete against another just to see who the public thinks is better. Whether its fantasy comparison of Muhammad Ali vs Mike Tyson or Floyd Mayweather jr vs Manny Pacquiao. In basketball(a) one on one comparisons are made all the time. Magic Johnson vs Larry bird, Kareem Abdul speak vs bill Russell and there all-time greatest comparison Michael Jordan vs LeBron pile. Jordan Consider the greatest basketball pseud of all time and one of the greatest athletes as well. LeBron on the other hand highly respected and is universally consider the lift out all athlete in the NBA and maybe the greatest athlete of all time. These two sports giant have always found themselves locked in a battle in seeing who is the best the old vs the new. Michael Jordan the greatest is consider the greatest basketball player of all time. Michael Jordan is was one of the most efficaciously marketed athlete s of his generation and was considered instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world.As of June 12, 2014 Michael had just became the first billionaire athlete. He increased his endorse in his basketball team to 89.5% from 80% in last couple of months. Besides making property from his basketball team (which he owns majority) he still makes an annual earnings at $90 one million million a year. Hes part of the Nike family which helps with the success of Nikes Jordan Brand, which is now roughly a $2 billion business worldwide. Michael Jordan skill set and his ability to jump set himself apart from player. When Jordan would jump or dunk some people would say it was the exchangeable he was flying. Or when he do his signature tune shot the fade way it was like he was floating in the air. Besides wining 6 peal multiple MVPs the best aspect of Jordan was his ability to pie-eyed out games. He was cold blooded like an assassin when it came to finishing games and this is why many people consider him to be the greatest. Like Michael Jordan, LeBron pile or King pile is was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of today. In 2014 he was the highest paid NBA player in league.He was 3rd highest paid athlete in the world at $72.3 million. Only git Cristiano Ronaldo with $80 million. And Floyd Maywether jr. at $105 million. King James is the NBAs biggest endorsement star, thanks to deals with Nike, McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Upper decorate andsprite others. Sales of his Nike shoes were tops among active players at $300 million in the U.S. during 2013. James also made millions through his small stake in Beats when it was sold to Apple for $3 billion he made ($30 millions) off the deal. King James has been to 5 NBA finals won2 and lost one-third On the court LeBron is one of the few NBA players who teams personally foul, because he is so fats and strong he is like freight train players grab him before he get the ball up.LeBron is versatile he mint any positi on 1-4 hes like half the team himself. LeBron is a monster on the court and off the court and this makes him a threat to the kings hind end. Michael vs LeBron, LeBron vs Michael either way it goes LeBron is gunning for his throne and he knows it. Right know there LeBron James career he has already pretty close Jordan in a lot key stats and 29.With good health leave alone pass Jordan n scoring, rings, rebounds, help ,all-star games and many more. Will Michael Jordan be able to protect his throne at the top or will he fall to king gunning fast? Who knows who will be the better player King James or The Greatest?
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Performance Measurement Paper Essay Example for Free
murder Measurement Paper EssayIn the world of business there are many cliches about how doing measurements are implemented and what they actually do much(prenominal) as if your company doesnt measure results then you cant tell success from failure. http//www. balancedscorecard. org/ basis/tabid/36/Default. aspx The key focus on strategic objectives should always articulate precisely what the organization wants to extend to which is the key to finding accurate, true, strategic measurements. The strategic performance measures volition allow the organization to monitor the performance and effectiveness of the operational efficiency. The best performance measures will provide a way to monitor and put through if that strategy is actually working. Focusing on the importance of the employees contribution to the success of the organization is another(prenominal) important measure that can be added along with providing a common language for the communication of everyone. Performa nce measurement is so vital in the structure of an organization because it is an ongoing and constant reporting and observe of accomplishments. Typically the program is implemented by agency management.The different program activities are measured by this system as well. A program may be considered any project, activity, or function that has a set of objectives. The three signs in which will be compared and contrasted begins with the turnout type of performance measures which indicates a unique(predicate) workload that is fulfilled throughout a period of time. The next type of performance type of infusion is the efficiency type, which indicates the different ratios of the resources to work the product.The resources of this particular type are primarily considered cipher dollars. The final performance measurement type that will be under contrast is the outcome type which tells the results over a period of time from work which was performed by the organization in order to soci al welfare the people receiving the service. (EOM) or enterprise output management is a practice used in education technology dealing with the organization of data that is created for banking systems, insurance database systems, customer relationship management, as well as many others.Output distributed management is defined as middle ware that threatens to fill out the process originally supported in order to implement an auto mated one. EOM output managment could say-soly cut back the cost of traditional printing because it uses digital output channel such as fax and email. The potential of this is depends on how the concept is adopted by the targeted customer group. Management information systems allow organizations to get proper(a) people the correct information at a timely and efficient manner.The efficiency type of performance management works by pulling together information. Therefore improving the products and expanding the customer base at the same time. A manger with a good management information system can winnow out redundant miscues that waste time and may instead focus on what actually works for the approach of the organization. If an MIS is added into the equation then the amount of time saving that will benefit the organization will be tremendous because there is more time being focused on the specific task at hand.The computer program can collect data from employees much faster than the alternative time consuming method of not taking advantage of the technology. The over-all term performance management is defined as the output of employees and groups individually. The employees may be divided into groups and departments within the organization as a whole. Therefore the performances can be evaluated much more effectively by knowing what everyones production levels are and by multitude this information will definitely help to improve the quality of production in the organization which will lead to good things for everyone.In order for t he performance management procedures to be put in lead and do the job that they are needed to do there should be a performance rendering done as soon as humanly possible because this knowledge will help drive the rest of the tasking in sequence for what needs to be done for the organization.
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